Gospel Living

Here’s how the Church uses sacred funds.

04/30/24 | 1 min read
Helping those in need, and more!

Sometimes people criticize the Church for collecting a lot of money through tithes and offerings.

First of all, it’s not the Church leaders who have asked for that—it’s the Lord! This is the way He has instructed us to do His work.

Second, members give voluntarily. No one is forced to contribute. We give freely because we love God, and we love others.

But also, the Church uses those sacred funds to do good around the world. A LOT of good.

The video above is a “World Report” that is published in connection with each general conference. It shows some of the ways Church members have recently put charity into action.

It’s a little long, but try watching at least the first few minutes, about the Church collaborating with the World Food Bank. Your donations make a difference!

Caring for those in need has always been a priority for the Savior—and to those of us who follow Him.

Music Connection

Can you think of a hymn or Primary song that talks about showing charity and kindness to others?
